Reaper Season 2 Episode 14

26.01.2020by admin
Reaper Season 2 Episode 14

After the boys found out that Tony and Steve are demons, they began avoiding them in. Steve doesn’t get all the demophobic behavior, particularly since he knows Sam’s a reaper but hasn’t treated him any differently. With that in mind, though, Steve would like Sam’s assistance to take down the Devil.

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Andi came even closer to being dragged into this demon stuff, as she had a run in with the acid queen, who tried to kill her.Andi’s fine, but she’s not sure whether she’s seen hallucinations. The doctor tells her it’s not unusual or anything to worry about. Only it’s not a doctor. It’s a guy the boys paid to trick her, and he’s covered his tracks by handing her a bottle of pills Tic Tacs.The moron who lived at the apartment before them hasn’t left a forwarding address, so they’re getting all kinds of free stuff. This time it’s a bunch of alcohol.For some unknown reason, Sam doesn’t have any interest in going out for a banana split with the Devil. He wants to get right to the soul. The guy was a lawyer (a lot of those in Hell).


He’s back bleeding people dry literally. At least he knows who he’s looking for, as Cubby Bryce, an ambulance chaser, has his photo on the bench that the Devil’s transported Sam to.Andi returns to The Work Bench.

Sam doesn’t know whether to hug, kiss, handshake, or bow. So he does some mix of the lot, settling on an awkward hug. She’s realized now that life is short. She knows they kissed (she’s pretty sure she didn’t hallucinate that), and she wants to go on a date with him. He says yes because if he doesn’t she’s going to have to slap him upside the head.Josie’s there, and Sock is happy to see that his mark is still all over her, like dog pee. She decides that, since it means so much to Sock that she’s wearing the scarf he gave her for Christmas, she’ll give it to the first random person she sees, which happens to be Ted.Steve and Tony both invite Sam into their lair. Tony wants to be subtle.

Steve just blurts it out: they’re part of an underground alliance of demons planning to overthrow the Devil. They’re angry that they were cast out of Heaven for eternity and believe that Lucifer’s leadership is taking them in the wrong direction.

They want Sam’s help since he talks to the Devil, and in return, once they overthrow him, he won’t be able to collect any more souls, including Sam’s.Ted wants a word with his peeps. He asks Sock to give him Josie’s phone number.

This won’t end well. Sock writes a number on his hand and tells him to go forth and hit that thing.Steve and Tony take Sam to their headquarters for a Demons Anonymous meeting. All the demons talk about the good they’re doing to undermine the Devil. Bob has a problem, though. He tried to eat a child on Wednesday. Happens to the best of us.

He let the kid go and called his sponsor, who bailed him out of this jam. The plan is to be nice and do charity to get Lucifer to beg them to stop.

Shouldn’t take more than a few hudred years at this rate. Sam’s disappointed by the lack of aggressiveness and leaves. Even the fundraising efforts aren’t enough to convince him this isn’t a joke. Tony agrees with Sam that this isn’t going to work quickly enough, particularly with a human lifespan, as people die so quickly like goldfish. His plan is to ram a nuke down the Devil’s throat.

Reaper Season 2 Episode 14 English Dub

Reaper season 2 episode 14 english sub

I don’t think that will work either.Sam gets a call from Cubby and arranges to meet him after work for a workman’s comp case. Then he steps over his latest (now dead) victim. Sock’s real interested in this case once he hears how much money could be made. Sam reminds him they’re there for an ambush, and they attack. Not very well, but it’s enough to get the job done.Ted tells Sock that he had a date with Josie last night and that she wants him to hook up her DVR, which is code for touching parts.

His theory is that Josie likes to date down, which is why she went out with Sock.The demon group has prepared a human sacrifice for Sam. According to Bob, who used to work at legal in Hell, this will get Sam out of his contract.

The sacrifice’s soul takes Sam’s place in Hell. I say go for it, dude. Sam refuses to take part in this. They agree to return the drug dealer to the park rather than killing him. Sam insists he’s not the Devil’s friend. The devil’s just kind of clingy.

He’s not so sure they’ll be able to hurt the Devil if he lets them summon him, but Tony’s demon form is pretty convincing.Josie tells Sock he’s not some sort of loser. Ted’s another story, but Sock manages to scare him away. He tells him he already hooked up Josie’s DVR. Twice.Sam apologizes to the Devil for being rude and invites him out for ice cream. The Devil can’t eat ice cream, though, as punishment from God, but he goes anyway to watch Sam eat and talk about how he loved God and is glad he’s no longer alone now that he has Sam as a friend.

Sam complains that he can’t even get in touch with him, so he gives him his private cell phone number, with a Phoenix area code.Tony’s got a sword, the one that brought Lucifer down the first time, and he plans to get the group of demons together to do it again. Sock and Ben don’t get why Sam’s having second thoughts. Sock smacks him upside the head a few times, some of them just for fun.Then Andi shows up for a gropefest. She’s happy that she can trust him. He tells her he’ll never lie to her, although he doesn’t mind messing with her head, leaving out big chunks of information.

He can’t talk about a tiny, tiny part of his life (the part where he hunts down escaped souls from Hell for his friend the Devil, often putting those closest to him in grave danger). She’s okay with this.Steve interrupts them and forces Sam out of the apartment for coming between him and Tony. Tony’s getting a little tired of Steve’s pacifist ways and can’t understand it coming from the guy who recruited him for Lucifer’s war on God. Steve still wants to redeem himself in the eyes of his creator. Tony mostly just still wants to kill the Devil.Ben realizes why Cubby’s name sounds familiar.

His name’s on all the packages they’re receiving, and they’ve been drinking his beer. He must have lived there before he died, which can’t be a coincidence.

Reaper Season 2

The lease was signed by Satan, and their theory is that this whole thing is just a trap. They call Sam to warn him. He’s kind of in the middle of a rebellion, so it’s not really a good time to talk. Just then the Devil shows up. He kills Bob and grabs the sword, which is actually a fake from Koreatown. Then he blows up the building, but at least he spares Sam.

Sam believes the original plan was going to work, but the Devil’s not worried since everybody in the world isn’t good and never will be.As it turns out, Tony’s not exactly what you would call dead. He’ll be back looking for more.