Wpa Cracking Gpu Benchmark

31.01.2020by admin
  1. Benchmark Gpu Test

Benchmark Gpu Test

WPA algorithm is very secure, and to get the password usually we have only one way – to brute force it, which could take huge time if password is strong enough. But what if instead of using regular CPUs we would use a power of GPU? Amazon says, that we can use up to 1,536 CUDA cores on g2.2xlarge instance, which costs $0.65 per Hour.


Sounds very promising, so let’s see how it can help us to speed up password brute force.Below I will give step-by-step tutorial on how to deploy Amazon GPU instance and run pyrit (python tool) to crack password using GPU. In this article I assume that you are already familiar with aircrack-ng wi-fi cracking tools. And you’ve already captured handshake into.cap file. Cracking WiFi Password with Pyrit and NVIDIA GPU on Amazon AWSGo to Amazon EC2 panel and click Launch new instanceSelect Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM) 64 bit  GPU instances g2.2xlarge  Review and launchSSH to your new instance ssh -i yourawskey.pemcat /etc/lsb-release DISTRIBDESCRIPTION='Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS'Now, Go to Nvidia and download latest CUDA installer (choose runfile for Ubuntu 14.04). At the time of writing it is cuda7.5.18 wget build tools sudo aptitude updatesudo aptitude install build-essentialTo avoid ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module ‘nvidia.ko’, install also sudo aptitude install linux-image-extra-virtualTo avoid ERROR: The Nouveau kernel driver is currently in use by your system.

Echo -e 'blacklist nouveaunoptions nouveau modeset=0' sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.confsudo update-initramfs -uTo avoid ERROR: Unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel: sudo aptitude install linux-sourcesudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r)Reboot Now!